Change or Reset a Password
Please note, your WFU account password must be reset every year. This policy is enforced to maintain a high level of security for your account and the Wake Forest University network.
*A group of users with access to privileged information may have a different set of password requirements, including changing their password every 90 days. These individuals will be notified by Wake Forest Information Security (infosec).
To change your password: copy link
- Visit
- Select “Sign in to change password”
- Enter your username and current WFU password
- Select Change Password
- Enter your current password
- Enter your new password, confirm your new password, and select Change Password.
*Once logged into, we would recommend verifying your recovery information.
To reset your forgotten password:copy link
- Visit
- Select Reset Forgotten Password
- Enter your WFU username (without
- Enter your Last Name
- Enter your WFU ID number
- Enter your birth month and day (MMDD)
- Select which method you would like to receive your security code to verify your account, either your registered email address or mobile phone via SMS.
- Enter the code in the “Code” field and select Check Code.
- Once your code has been verified, select Continue.
- Enter your new password, confirm your new password, and select Change Password.
Users with WFU-issued Windows computers will need to be on campus or VPN in order to synchronize their newly created WFU account password with their computer password.
Reminder - WFU password requirements are as follows: copy link
Your password must:
- be at least 8 characters
- be no more than 32 characters
Your password may contain:
- uppercase English letters (A – Z)
- lowercase English letters (a – z)
- Digits (0-9)
- any of these characters ! # $ % & ( ) + , – / ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
Never share your password with anyone.